Monday, February 1, 2010

New Orleans - Zulu Social Aid & Pleasure Club decorated houses.

Riding with a friend in the Bywater early Monday evening, I looked out the car window and yelled "STOP THE CAR!". I didn't know what we had just passed but I knew that if I didn't photograph it, no one would believe me. I told my friend to "keep the car running. This is just too cool. I may not come back."

When I approached the homes, there were a few men standing outside. I asked if it would be ok to take photos. One of the men, who I came to know as "David" said, "you go right ahead and take as many pictures as you want. That's what it's there for." I said thank you and started snapping away. A few minutes later, the gentleman said, "young fella, where are you from?". I replied that I was from Charlotte, North Carolina. He said, "North Carolina? Come with me".

Then I knew things were about to get interesting. David led me down a path between the two houses. I was about to either be offered an Abita and a plate of barbecue or perhaps Ray Charles and James Brown would be sitting around a table in the garage playing dominoes.

To my surprise, my new friend (this is becoming a common occurrence in this city) walked out and handed me an armful of Mardi Gras prizes including TWO of the most-prized Zulu painted coconuts. These would be soon be handed out to only a handful of lucky revelers at the upcoming Zulu parade. After I had demonstrated a genuine interest in his home, culture, and traditions, David said, "here, take this back to North Carolina with you."

When I regained my ability to speak, I thanked David and hobbled back to the car with this treasure that I've found often comes with a smile and a healthy chunk of curiosity.

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